Булевар краља Александра бр. 67, зграда Правног факултета у Београду

Branko Radulovic

Prof. dr Branko Radulovic

Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade

Branko Radulović is a full professor teaching the courses Fundamentals of Economics and Economic Analysis of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, and earned a master’s degree in International Economics at the University of Birmingham. He obtained his PhD in the field of economic analysis of law and institutional economics at the University of Turin. As a visiting researcher, he spent time at Cornell University (USA). His professional interests include economic analysis of law, public policy analysis, privatization, bankruptcy and restructuring, as well as applied econometrics.

He has published numerous articles in the field of economic analysis of bankruptcy in domestic and international journals, as well as the monograph “Economic Analysis of Corporate Bankruptcy Law.”

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