Булевар краља Александра бр. 67, зграда Правног факултета у Београду


Address:  Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra. 67, building of Faculty of Law
Phone: +381 64 334 16 36

From Monday till Friday   9.00  – 15.00 
Saturday: Closed

Sunday : Closed

    See you SOON!

    The Association for Bankruptcy Law is a professional, non-profit organization that voluntarily unites enthusiasts of bankruptcy law, as well as individuals employed in higher education institutions, companies, public enterprises, banks, and other economic entities, chambers of commerce, commercial courts, institutes, and other organizations.

    The Association operates with the aim of improving and promoting bankruptcy and related branches of law and their practical application. A prerequisite for achieving these goals is the close connection between theory and practice, which is why the Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL) strives to establish cooperation with other related associations, organizations, and institutions.

    Establishing and strengthening collaboration among professionals in the field of bankruptcy law, both domestically and internationally, represents an important mission of the Association.

    All these efforts are made to spread the idea of the significance of bankruptcy and related branches of law for the economic development of the state.

    Join our association, NOW! ON TIME! |

    Contact details

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