Булевар краља Александра бр. 67, зграда Правног факултета у Београду


The Association for Bankruptcy Law is a professional, non-profit organization, established in July 2022 with the goal of promoting and advancing bankruptcy law and its practical application. It was founded as a citizens’ association for an indefinite period. The founders (five in number) are distinguished legal experts with extensive experience in higher education institutions, government bodies, and industry.

The Association’s main objectives are:

  • advancing and promoting bankruptcy law and its practical application,
  • fostering cooperation with other similar associations and organizations,
  • spreading awareness about the significance of bankruptcy law for the country’s economic development,
  • collaborating with universities, professional associations, courts, and other organizations that can contribute to the development of the field of bankruptcy law,
  • establishing and strengthening cooperation among professionals in the field of bankruptcy law domestically and internationally.

To achieve its objectives, the Association particularly:

  • gathers and processes domestic and foreign literature in the field of bankruptcy law,
  • publishes journals and other publications in the scientific field of bankruptcy law,
  • provides organizational, technical, and material support to bankruptcy law professionals to carry out theoretical and empirical research in this field,
  • independently or in cooperation with other associations and organizations, prepares and organizes meetings, scientific conferences, seminars, training sessions, workshops, and other gatherings,
  • collaborates with universities, professional associations, courts, and other organizations that can contribute to the development of the scientific field of bankruptcy law,
  • actively participates in the public life of the Republic of Serbia, independently or in cooperation with other related associations and organizations, to promote bankruptcy law.

Bankruptcy law

Knowledge of bankruptcy and related branches of law enables the timely identification of financial problems, restructuring of the company, and exit from a financial crisis.

Bankruptcy law

The restructuring of a company can be either non-bankruptcy or bankruptcy-related. The Association's field of study includes all types of company restructuring and the resolution of financial issues.

Bankruptcy law

Bankruptcy does not always mean the end of a company's existence. It can also lead to a new financial beginning.

Bankruptcy law

A new financial beginning is made possible through the reorganization of the bankrupt debtor or the sale of the bankrupt debtor as a legal entity.

Bankruptcy law


The primary objective of bankruptcy law is the most favorable collective settlement of creditors of the bankrupt debtor.

Bankruptcy law

The Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL), through the development of law and professional practice, contributes to achieving the goals of bankruptcy law.

Bankruptcy law

The Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL), through the development of bankruptcy and related branches of law, provides support to all participants in economic operations.

Bankruptcy law

The Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL) collaborates with universities, professional associations, courts, and other organizations that can contribute to the development of the field of bankruptcy and related branches of law.

Bankruptcy law

The Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL) actively participates in the public life of the Republic of Serbia, independently or in collaboration with other related organizations, all with the aim of promoting and developing bankruptcy and related branches of law.

Bankruptcy law

Organizing scientific and professional conferences, round tables, panels, workshops, publishing monographs, providing expert opinions, and addressing contentious issues are just some of the activities of the Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL).

Bankruptcy law

The future development of bankruptcy law is evident in its expansion to include the bankruptcy of entrepreneurs, consumers, and individuals.

Bankruptcy law

The Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL) brings together the most eminent experts in the field of bankruptcy and related branches of law, whose work influences the development of bankruptcy law and the creation of a new legal framework for the bankruptcy of entrepreneurs and individuals.


The Association for Bankruptcy Law (ABL) includes among its members the most prominent experts in corporate, commercial, and bankruptcy law, as well as in economic analysis of law. The extensive experience of its members, gained through work in higher education institutions, government agencies, and top positions in industry, makes the Association the most representative organization in this field.

The Main Objectives of the Association

To achieve its objectives, the Association particularly:

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collects and processes domestic and foreign literature in the field of bankruptcy law,publishes journals and other publications in the scientific field of bankruptcy law,

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provides organizational, technical, and material support to bankruptcy law professionals for conducting theoretical and empirical research in the field of bankruptcy law,

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independently or in cooperation with other associations and organizations, prepares and organizes meetings, scientific gatherings, conferences, seminars, training sessions, workshops, and other events,

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collaborates with universities, professional associations, courts, and other organizations that can contribute to the development of the field of bankruptcy law,

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actively participates in the public life of the Republic of Serbia, independently or in cooperation with other related associations and organizations, with the aim of promoting bankruptcy law.

Working Hours of the Association for Bankruptcy Law

Monday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed



Bankruptcy Law Association


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